Resolutions for 2016

resolutionsfor2016 via thelilacpress

2016 is just hours away…which means it is time to finalize those resolutions for the coming year. My problem in years past is that I set too many goals for myself without prioritizing them. Not having a clear focus makes it difficult to actually accomplish any of them! This year I’m dividing my resolutions into the following three categories:

  1. Career: How do you plan to take your professional life to the next level in 2016? Maybe it is a job change you’ve been thinking about or a promotion you’ve been eyeing. Or maybe you have a side business venture in which you are finally ready to invest more time and resources.
  2. Financial: Do you have savings goals or spending limits set for yourself? Now is a good time to set budgets for the year. Allocate appropriate amounts for necessary living expenses, savings goals and know exactly what you can and can not spend on “fun” things each month.
  3. Personal: This category is for everything else you find important. Do you have health milestones to meet? Or maybe you just want to aim to go to a yoga class twice a week? Another personal goal might be to work on relationships. Maybe you’ve lost touch with some close friends over the years and 2016 will be your year to reconnect!

I think 2016 is going to be a great year! What are your goals for the next 12 months?
Happy New Year!
xo -L