What is preventative Botox and how does it work? When should I start doing preventative treatments and how much does it cost?
Get all your questions about preventative Botox answered right here! Brittani Cogliano, RN, MSN, PNP, Aesthetic Injector, debunks common misconceptions, explains how Botox can prevent wrinkles and fine lines from forming in the first place and shares every and anything a first-timer (like me) needs to know to feel comfortable and safe in the hands of an aesthetic injector.
Truthfully, I was SUPER nervous to try Botox for the first time. I felt like it had a lot of negative associations, and I learned that there a TON of misconceptions out there. I did not want to look “fake,” or “frozen,” or “botched.” I did a lot of research and I had several calls with my dear friend, Brittani, who specializes in preventative Botox. Basically, I learned that starting early (I’m my late 20s) means I can use just the tiniest doses in my problem areas. By relaxing the muscles in my face where I tend to strain, I can avoid creating deep creases. Over time, this will be more cost-effective AND produce a more natural result.
I’ll let Brittani explain exactly how the mechanism works in the video, but all I have to say is, I learned A LOT. All of my fears and doubts ended up being common misconceptions many people believe but aren’t true at all!
Since Brittani is a long-time friend (I trusted her COMPLETELY), she’s making a special offer for anyone local who’d like to book with her.
Book directly with Brittani and get your Botox treatment for $12 per unit (normally $14 per treatment).
PLUS: Mention my name, LEIGHA GARDNER, and get a COMPLIMENTARY HydraFacial ($200) value!
Can you even believe these results?! I honestly didn’t realize how bad my glabella (Don’t know what that means? Watch the video to learn!) was getting until I saw the before and after side-by-side. I can’t even believe I’m publicly posting this image! Yikes!

Brittani Cogliano, RN, MSN, PNP
Aesthetic Injector
(Direct Message Brittani with any questions)
Aspire Med Spa
Lexington, MA
Peabody, MA
Wellesley, MA
Have you started preventative Botox? If not, would you try it?
Xx -L