As a recent MBA graduate, I finally felt like I was starting to hit my stride in regards to my career in the months leading up to the COVID-19 crisis. Between building my blog and consulting on the e-commerce and digital media side of a local fashion and beauty business, I finally felt growth potential and excitement for the future. Having pivoted several times in my career thus far, this traction was especially meaningful for me, given how much I love my work now.
When COVID-19 first came on the scene, it seemed like a distant threat. Surely, it wasn’t something that could ever affect me, right? But with widespread layoffs and furloughs (myself included) along with abrupt and drastic social distancing guidelines, so many of us were left paralyzed. Small business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers were left with limited options. But, anything was worth it to stop the spread of the virus and minimize the loss of life. Society as a whole was committed.

So where did that leave me? I felt more motivated than ever, yet fearful of making a misstep. Suddenly my fashion and beauty content seemed frivolous and insensitive to post when so many are dealing with unemployment, illness, and many other hardships. On the other hand, I found that fashion and beauty as an outlet could be uplifting and positive.
Staying in sweats all day to work from home can feel like a treat…every once in a while, at least. But for me, honestly, it was a bit depressing. I found that getting dressed and doing my makeup were small acts, but they were the biggest mood boosters during this time. If I’m feeling this way, then certainly others are as well. As a content creator, it is my goal to spread positivity and offer inspiration for my followers. By amping up my at-home beauty tutorials, DIYs, and little tips of how I’m staying positive, I found an increase in my engagement. I have never found myself so in-touch and in tune with my followers’ feelings as I am now. Since COVID-19 took hold, I have been more aware of my followers’ situations than ever before. Each time I post, I wonder how it will be interpreted and if it will add value to their lives or brighten their day in any way.
One series I have started is a weekly cocktail recipe! This is something I look forward to each week, and I try to give my followers ways to adapt the recipe using whatever they may have in their bar cart or in their fridge. Seeing my followers make these recipes and join in the fun shows me that people are desperate for a little something frivolous, a little self-care and of course, a little cocktail!

Aside from those superficial things, what is helping me most through this time is leaning on my community. Since we are living through an unprecedented reality, there is no playbook and there are no best practices. We can only test the waters through trial and error. Having access to other entrepreneurs in GoDaddy’s LinkedIn community chat has helped me learn what others in my position are doing and what they are finding success with.
As the economy is nearer to reopening, I’m hopeful again about getting back on track. The last two months have taught me more in such a condensed period of time than I could have ever learned before. It just goes to show that sometimes living and doing in the real world is the best education. Check out GoDaddy’s #OpenWeStand community chat to learn tips and tricks from other entrepreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners.